Neon Yellow, Neon Pink, Orange, Red, Black, White and Silver
Neon Yellow, Neon Pink, Orange, Red, Black, White and Silver
Interim Hang Exhibition - 2024
Interim Hang Exhibition - 2024
Neon Yellow, Yellow, Orange, Red, Black, White and Silver
Neon Yellow, Yellow, Orange, Red, Black, White and Silver
Interim Hang Exhibition at Wolverhampton Art School - 2024 
Neon Yellow, Neon Pink, Neon Orange, Neon Pink, Black and White
Neon Yellow, Orange, Black and White
This exhibition was a collection of students using different mediums to create an art show. My work that was displayed consisted of a two series painting of 100x30 cm portrait canvases that flowed through one another by the movement of paint. The colours consisted of Neon Yellow, Neon Pink, Neon Orange, Black and White for Series no. 1 and Neon Yellow, Yellow, Orange, Black and White for Series no.2. I chose for these paintings to go together unintentionally as a yellow streak of paint flowed perfectly in line with one another when placed together on the wall. It was a perfect match. I believe it was meant to be, that the colour paints were meant to meet on both canvases to create a collection.
Salon Hang Exhibition at Wolverhampton Art School - 2023
Purple, Pink, Black, White and Silver
A collage of artist's work collaborating together to showcase a one-wall collection piece formed with different themes of art such as acrylic and oil paintings, graphics and illustration and other creative forms. This was a show to combine up-coming artists to be able to perform a show by working as a team. 
My work consisted of a 40 cm landscape rectangular canvas showing a splash of colours from purple, pink, black, white and silver which was one of my very first pieces of work that I had created in the pouring paint style. I wanted to show this piece in the exhibition as it was a reflection on myself as an upcoming artist to show where I had started and where I shall end up in the future and to see the difference between them.

Purple, Pink, Black, White and Silver - (Top Left) 2023

The Simulacrum of Circles
The Simulacrum of Circles
The Simulacrum of Circles
The Simulacrum of Circles
The Simulacrum of CIrcles
The Simulacrum of CIrcles
Second Year Degree Show - 2023
Second Year Degree Show - 2023
Kathryn Elizabeth Boyce - Fine Artist - 2023
Kathryn Elizabeth Boyce - Fine Artist - 2023
Second Year Art Show at Wolverhampton Art School- 2023
The Simulacrum of Circles - Kathryn Boyce
My Second Year Degree Show consisted of a series of screen-printing pieces of work, mixed with acrylic paint colours to show the repetition from circles to abstract-looking paintings after a continuous process has occurred from the original piece of work. 
First Year Art Show at Wolverhampton Art School - 2022
My work shown was a wooden sculpture box containing metal chains that connect to my family heirloom. The screen-printing pieces of work in the background correspond to the sculpture object as each circle references a family member in which the heirloom was given down to, past from generation to generation. My prints correlate to this by showing the circles fading, one by one, it disappears until it fades into muddy colours. I wanted to show the connection between both my own personal family life and my practice together. 

Generational - Show 2022

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